



Assistant Vice President for 学术事务 and Dean of the School of 教育

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吉尔·欣克利 is 具有里程碑意义的大学’s Assistant Vice President for 学术事务 and Dean of the School of 教育. 吉尔·欣克利 has held many positions at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 作为一名资深教授, she has taught writing and literature, chaired both the English and the Reading and Study Skills departments, served on the Curriculum Committee, and was elected to the 教师 Senate. 以院长的身份, 她开发了新的项目, 领导的项目, and general education assessments, 受监管的短期项目, and helped create and launch the first baccalaureate degree offered at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 最近, as Assistant Vice President for 学术事务, she has re-designed the support units housed within the School of 教育 to better coordinate and scaffold the student experience from placement to advising, 学术支持, 到职业准备经验.


M.A.T, English, Keene State College
B.F.A., Writing, Johnson State College
Certificate in 学习 Differences and Neurodiversity, Specialization in Postsecondary Disability Services, 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训.


欣克利. J., 书挡. 诗. Write Action; 诗s Around Town. 小池塘压力机. 伯瑞特波罗,佛蒙特州. 2023
欣克利J., 在大流行期间行走 Covid时代的诗歌.  小池塘压力机. 伯瑞特波罗,佛蒙特州. 2021
欣克利J., (2021). Live Interview with Larry Jacobs. 教育公平. 教育谈话电台
欣克利J., Intentional Teaching: How 具有里程碑意义的大学 Pedagogy Supports Student Success. 演讲. 具有里程碑意义的大学 研究 Institute, Summer Institute. 佛蒙特州的帕特尼.  8月. 6th, 2021
欣克利J., Managing Difficult 谈话s. 演讲. 高等教育领导力. 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市. 10月. 18-20, 2018
欣克利J., (2015). Pedagogy and Practice for Students Who Learn Differently. 纸. 具有里程碑意义的大学
欣克利J., (2010). 给舌头榨汁. 纸 presented at Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). 加拿大蒙特利尔
欣克利J. (2010). 病假. 诗. 康涅狄格评论
欣克利J., (2007). Best Practices in Supporting Students with ADHD. Teaching Modules: Demo Disabilities Project: Funded by the Department of 教育
年度杰出文章. Journal of Developmental 教育. Awarded by Nade (National Association of Developmental Educators) at NADE Conference. 纳什维尔,田纳西州(2006)
欣克利J., Women with Attentional issues: Success in College 学习. Journal of Developmental 教育. 第29卷,第1期,2005年秋季
欣克利J., 谈话. Passage: 诗s from the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Community. 普特尼,佛蒙特州,2006年
欣克利J., 这次访问. 诗. 《亚洲博彩平台排名》,1998年


  • “When Belonging is more than A Buzzword.会议介绍. 42nd Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience. Los Angeles, 加州, 2月ruary 3–6, 2023
  • “Landmark Works—A Scaffolded Approach to Career Readiness for the Neurodivergent Population.会议介绍. 欣克利J. & 科普兰. J., National Association of Colleges and Employers. Portland, Oregon, June 7–9, 2022
  • “Managing Difficult 谈话s.” 高等教育领导力, 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市, 10月ober 18, 2018
  • “An Integrated College Advising Model for Students Who Learn Differently.” Project Leadership 演讲. Marlboro College, Center for New Leadership, Brattleboro, VT, 2月ruary 16, 2017
  • “多样性 as distinction, Not Difference.海报展示. American Association of Colleges and Universities, (AAC&U). 多样性, 学习, and Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence, 圣地亚哥, 加州, 3月26 - 28日期间, 2015
  • “Acknowledging the Developmental Learner as Capable but Misunderstood.海报展示. National Association of Developmental Educators (NADE). 跨越过去 & Present to the Future, Greenville, South Carolina, 2月ruary 25–28, 2015
  • “Enhancing Critical Thinking Using a ‘Habits of Mind’ Approach.”表示. National Association for Developmental Educators, Denver, Colorado, 2月. 27-Mar. 2, 2013
  • “Connecting Universal Design and 学习 Outcomes: Co-constructed classrooms for at-risk students.”表示. National Association for Developmental Educators, Orlando, Florida, 2月 21–25, 2012
  • “Procrastination, Perfectionism and Panic.” George Washington University: Symposium: Two-day training for George Washington faculty on Writing and Executive Function. In collaboration with 具有里程碑意义的大学 re搜索 and training institute, Nov 3–6, 2011
  • “Cracking the Code: Access to Comprehension.”表示. The 30th Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. National Resource Center for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition, 亚特兰大, 乔治亚州, 2月. 4–8, 2011
  • “Dynamic Classrooms for Dynamic Learners.半天工作坊. Conference on College Composition and 沟通, (4Cs), New Orleans, LA, 2008


Post-secondary education and At-risk learners
