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Stefanie Argus

Stefanie Argus headshot

Assistant Professor of Education

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电话: 802-387-6822

Admin 213A


Ph.D., Education, University of Rhode Island & Rhode Island College

M.A., Adventure Education, Prescott College

B.A., Psychology & Education, Mount Holyoke College


Argus, S. (2023). Experiences of white women graduate students in a diversity and inclusion program at a predominantly white institution in a time of whitestream racial reckoning (doctoral dissertation).
Argus, S. (2018). Girl Scout voices: Describing ecological identity (master’s thesis).
Argus, S. (2018). LGBTQ Girl Scouts reflect on their outdoor experiences. 在T. 灰色的 & D. Mitten (Eds.), International handbook of women and outdoor learning (pp. 529-544). Palgrave Macmillan.
Argus, S., Vaccaro, A., Coiro, J., Hos, R., & Deeney, T. (2022). Equitable teaching practices in higher education: Key insights from the literature. Handbook of Re搜索 on Social Justice and Equity in Education, 92-113.
Hos, R. & Argus, S. (2021). Book review: Teachers as allies: Transformative practices for teaching DREAMers and undocumented students. TESOL Journal, 12(2).
Hos, Rabia, Argus, S., Triki, A., Yalcin, M.A., Walshe, R., Santucci, A., Ponticelli, M. (2023). Performing as teachers and learners: The role of theatre in becoming better university instructors. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34(1), 47-68.

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