
Professional Development Facilitator—LCIRT

L和mark is seeking experienced individuals to form a pool for part-time, 根据需要, L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训 (LCIRT) PD Facilitator职位.

LCIRT为学校提供各种专业发展(PD)培训课程, 公司, 政府组织则关注教职员工如何支持神经发散型学习者, 包括 those with learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和/或自闭症. PD产品结合了神经多样性领域的研究成果和最佳实践, 教育, 心理学, 和 残疾 studies with concrete, 参与者可以与他们的学生和客户实施适用的策略和方法.

如果其他LCIRT员工由于时间安排冲突而无法提供PD演示,则需要PD辅导员为LCIRT提供PD演示,以满足客户的需求. PD协调员与专业发展助理总监协调,负责PD演示的规划和开发(主要使用现有的LCIRT材料). Materials 和 delivery will be in accordance with contractual obligations, as agreed upon between LCIRT/L和mark College 和 the client. 这包括与LCIRT员工合作,提前明确客户的需求,并评估PD会议的有效性。.

演讲应以最大限度地提高效率和利用资源的方式进行,并保持学院在教育领域的卓越声誉. 培训可以在面对面的环境中进行,也可以通过电子学习和/或视频会议平台进行(尽管预计需求通常会支持现场培训)。. This position reports to the Assistant Director of Professional Development.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with LCIRT 和 client to set expectations.
  • Assist LCIRT with edits 和 comments on client proposals.
  • 利用现有的LCIRT材料(如讲义和ppt)作为起点, 根据既定的学习目标开发相关和准确的事件内容.
  • Deliver in-person presentations workshops: half-day, 全天, or multiple day sessions in a manner that is inclusive, 可访问的, 和迷人的.
  • 在活动之前与客户共享材料,以促进包容性和可访问性 实践.
  • Communicate with clients to finalize all event details 和 logistics.
  • 与LCIRT和客户协调差旅和住宿后勤事宜.
  • Solicit event feedback to be reviewed by the LCIRT team.
  • Maintain updated knowledge of re搜索, 趋势, 和 major topics in the field of 神经的多样性, learning disabilities, 和 related subjects.


  • 要求硕士或以上学历,教育、心理学或相关领域. Extensive background knowledge of 神经的多样性 和 neurodivergence, 包括 learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia), 自闭症, 和 注意力缺陷多动症.
  • 在中学和高等教育水平支持神经发散学生的有效教学实践方面的专业知识, most notably universal design for instruction 和 teaming.
  • 了解地标学院的集体专业知识和经验,将这些信息传播给外部组织和教育机构的专业人士.
  • Outst和ing presentation 和 communication skills are essential; must be an engaging 和 skilled presenter with the ability to create interactive trainings 和 adapt on the fly in response to audience needs.
  • 掌握专业发展和教育的最佳实践.
  • Ability 和 willingness to travel (包括 outside of typical 业务 hours) is critical; a flexible schedule is desired.
  • Ability to work independently 和 as part of a team.
  • Ability to meet deadlines 和 work under pressure.
  • Ability to manage travel expenses accurately 和 effectively.

The stipend for this position is dependent on presentation 和 travel length; the stipend for a day trip is $1000, an overnight trip is $1,500, 和 a three-day trip is $2,000. Trip lengths are defined as:

  • 一日游:可以在一天内开车往返,不需要过夜住宿.g., presentation in western Mass.)
  • Overnight trip: Requires an overnight (typically the night before), but can fly or drive back the same day as presentation (e.g., presentation in D.C.)
  • Three-day trip; Requires two overnights, before + after presentation; not possible (w/o redeye flight) to get back on day of presentation (e.g., one day workshop in California)

多元化的学生,教师和管理是符合地标的使命. We value diverse populations 和 cultures, 包括, but not limited to, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 神经的多样性, 残疾, 比赛, 和宗教.

To find out more about the College 和 LCIRT, please visit: www.具有里程碑意义的.eduwww.具有里程碑意义的.edu/institute分别.

L和mark College, located in beautiful southern Vermont, 是独一无二的, accredited college for bright neurodivergent students with learning differences (LD; 包括 dyslexia, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症, 和 executive function challenges). L和mark provides an intentionally designed, 私立文理学院环境下资源丰富的学术和学生生活模式. A position with L和mark College is more than just a job; it is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of promising college students 和 to help us change how the public thinks about 教育. 我们支持以实力为基础的模式,并为学生提供实现目标所需的技能和策略. A fully accredited, not-for-profit institution, L和mark College offers bachelor’s 和 associate degrees in liberal studies, 艺术工作室, 心理学, 业务, life science 和 computer science.

地标学院人力资源办公室努力确保我们是首选的雇主, 吸引和留住独特的人才,能够提升学院作为不同学习方式学生的首选学院的地位. 我们致力于将每个人视为独立个体的理念, worthy of respect, 信任, dignity 和 fair treatment, 和 we apply these tenets to serve, 支持, 和 value all members of our community.

我们认识到提供一个有利于执行学院使命的工作环境的重要性,并有助于我们的教职员工的个人和专业成长. For Human Resources, this means the administration of employment policies, 福利计划, 定期评估并保持竞争力和公平的薪酬计划.


Interested individuals should provide a cover letter, 简历或简历, 和 the names of three references. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please email your application to [email protected]. Applications may also be mailed to Director of Human Resources, L和mark College, 19 River Road South, 帕特尼, 05346年佛蒙特州. No phone calls please.

多元化的学生,教师和管理是符合我们的使命. We value diverse populations 和 cultures 包括, but not limited to, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 神经的多样性, 比赛, 和宗教. L和mark College is an EO/AA/Vet/Disability employer.
