

Computer 科学 is the science of problem solving in the transfer and transformation of information.

Computer 科学 includes mathematics, 编程, 软件设计, and computer architecture. The 计算机科学学士学位 provides courses in high-level computer languages such as JAVA, C, 和c++提供了基础. 其他课程包括社交, 操作系统, 数据库管理系统, 还有几门专业选修课.


  • A strong interest in learning technical skills in 编程
  • Persistence in applying new approaches to solving problems
  • The ability to follow, analyze, and create solutions in a structured way
  • 注重细节
  • 良好的沟通技巧,包括写作
  • 3 – 4 years of high school math, including algebra and geometry

了解更多关于B的信息.S. 计算机科学:

  • 我们的方法:

    The 计算机科学学士学位 incorporates elements from the computer science discipline and prepares graduates for employment (e.g., 软件开发人员, 计算机硬件工程师, 计算机系统分析员, 企业家, 信息安全, 计算机程序员, 等.)或研究生课程.

    课程包括数学。, 编程, 软件设计, and computer architecture as applied to existing and emerging computer system technologies. A key feature of the curriculum is its emphasis on project-oriented experiences. Students will have room in the curriculum to pursue concentrations or minors, in addition to the program and general education requirements.

  • Students in the 计算机科学学士学位 degree program have many discipline-related opportunities to participate in activities outside of the classroom. 这些包括:


    • This club meets regularly to work on software and hardware projects, 主持演讲并参加编程活动.


    • LC has dedicated space to students to have gaming competitions and participate in multiplayer games.


    Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT)

    • Students assist LCIRT staff with software needs for re搜索 projects.
  • 计算机科学学士学位 hands-on learning approaches leads to many credit-bearing internship opportunities.

    • 实习AI科学家
    • 软件开发人员
    • 资讯科技服务实习生
    • 网站开发实习生
    • 金融系统实习生
    • 控制编程实习生
    • 系统工程师实习生
    • 数据处理和分析实习生
    The college has partnerships with the following organizations that offer neurodiverse friendly supportive workforce and internship programs:
    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾
    • 神经元多样化途径
    • 孩之宝
    • 斯坦利黑 & 德克尔
    • C&年代批发
    • 摩根大通
    • EY
    • 戴尔
    • 色技术
    • AT&T
  • 为什么是计算机科学?

    根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 11 percent from 2019 to 2029, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. 这些职位预计将增加约531个,新增200个工作岗位, 包括这些令人兴奋的机会:

    • 网络安全
    • 游戏设计 & 发展
    • 软件设计
    • 移动应用开发
    • 信息学 & 计算
    • 计算机硬件工程

    The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $88,240 in May 2019. For more information on the occupation outlook for computer science careers, see the 职业展望手册.

  • 课程

    To earn the 计算机科学学士学位 degree, 学生必须修满121学分, which includes the general education core (31学分 not met by major requirements), 58学分的额外专业要求, 开放选修课32学分. Students must complete at least 45 credits at the 3000/4000 level.


    31学分, plus 12 credits listed in major requirements that also fulfill general education requirements

    • WRT1011作文和修辞:3学分
    • WRT1012研究与分析:3学分
    • EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning or EDU1001 Foundations in Learning: 3 credits
    • COM1011通讯导论:3学分
    • 人文学科:3学分
    • 自然科学(含实验):4学分
    • 社会科学:3学分
    • Interpersonal Communication/Creative Expression: 3 credits
    • Alternative Study (could be at the 2000 or 3000/4000 level): 3 credits
    • WRT3011高级写作:3学分


    1000/2000 CSC专业要求(18学分)

    • CSC1635 Computer 科学 I(also fulfills the quantitative reasoning general education requirement): 3 credits
    • CSC2635计算机科学II: 3学分
    • 数据库设计:3学分
    • CSC2638数据结构和算法:3学分
    • CSC2751网络与安全:3学分
    • 嵌入式系统:3学分

    3000/4000 CSC专业要求(21学分)

    • CSC3871操作系统:3学分
    • CSC3731编程语言:3学分
    • 软件工程:3学分
    • 计算机体系结构:3学分
    9 credits of selected topics in computer science (may include, 但不限于:网络科学, 计算机图形学, 移动应用开发, 人工智能)


    • MAT2731 Introduction to Calculus (also fulfills the Math requirement in the core): 3 credits
    • 线性代数:4学分
    • 离散数学:3学分
    • MAT3721概率 & 统计科学 & 工程学:3个学分


    The major culminates in a final 3-credit capstone experience that provides students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge that they have gained from across the curriculum. Students are encouraged to work in teams, and can pursue either an applied or theory project. The planning phase of the capstone project is done in CSC3874 (Software Engineering)

    • CSC4991 Comp Sci 顶点石:3学分 (Gen Ed requirement)


    20 credits at any level (Only six 1-credit courses allowed)



  • Upon completing the 计算机科学学士学位 degree, graduates will be able to:

    • Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
    • 设计, 实现, 评估一个基于计算机的系统, 过程, 组件, 或程序,以满足所需的需求
    • Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal and communicate effectively with a range of audiences
    • Understand relevant professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities

认识数学 & 计算机科学系



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