
通识教育学院 & 艺术


Landmark College campus as viewed from upper campus looking over buildings on lower campus and into the vast and majestic beauty of the mountain range in the distance文化与社区, 共享和个人历史, memories of the past combined with the imagination to look ahead to the future. 人文学科, 社会科学, and 艺术 collectively allow us to study and experience those aspects of humanity and the self that create individual identity and expression, as well as social systems and cultural differences.

The 通识教育学院 and Fine and Performing Arts houses a wide array of courses and modes of discovery. 在我们的课程中, students consider theoretical foundations and historical perspectives from a variety of scholars, and express their own thinking in both creative and analytical ways. 通过各种媒介和文本, 我们努力理解形式和功能, 结构与表达, 共性与差异, 我们是否在研究一件艺术品, 分析文学作品, or reading the results of a re搜索 study.

Whether we participate in discussions of contrasting world religions or spend an afternoon creating music or 3 dimensional figures, we are engaging in the type of scholarly inquiries and artistic explorations that form not only a historical record of the human experience but also new knowledge and works that allow us to grow as individuals and contribute to a larger body of inquiry. 贯穿整个课程, students are asked to engage in exploration and study, 分享他们的观点和想法, and practice the modes of critical inquiry that represent the scholarly disciplines.

The Landmark College 荣誉项目 is designed to recognize high-achieving students and provide them with a structured opportunity for greater challenge and the potential to further distinguish their academic record. Rooted in a commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity, 学术卓越, 社区参与, the program offers students opportunities to cultivate critical thinking skills, 领导能力, and an appreciation for lifelong learning while making meaningful contributions to the greater community.


祝贺你,欢迎回来! We're excited to have you join us for Fall 2024 LC Online Dual Enrollment Program.


祝贺你! You have been accepted to the LC Online Dual Enrollment Program for Fall 2024.
