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Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Entrepreneurial Leadership

Engage in project management, teamwork, problem solving, 以及在专业背景下的有效沟通实践.

The 传播与企业领导文学学士学位 (B.A. COMEL)学位侧重于项目管理, entrepreneurship, team building, 以及信息设计和传递,让我们的学生为公民组织等领域的入门级工作做好准备, media production, public relations, management, 以及其他需要组织领导和业务发展的职位.

The B.A. COMEL为学生在当今日益复杂的世界中成为领导者和企业家做好准备.

这个专业的学生在找到自己的重点时,会探索各种各样的课外机会, 包括为地标学院电视台和广播电台制作内容, 为学生办的杂志撰稿 Voices,并参与里程碑式大学创业加速器计划(LEAP).

Learn more about the B.A. COMEL Degree

  • The B.A. COMEL学位旨在借鉴通信和商业,利用这些学科的动态交叉.

    The B.A. COMEL通过强调协作和创新的模式,将实践经验与跨学科理解相结合. 该学位促进对人类交流本质的探索,并利用创造性和适当的方式和技术来实现交流目标.

    Over the course of this degree, 学生将加强创造性和弹性领导的素质,并学习如何实现协作, 以道德和文化敏感的方式进行变革.

  • Find Your Passion!

    成为我们校园广播电台的DJ WLMC, write for Voices, our student-run publication, create a show for Voices TV, 或者在我们的指导下跟进一个有创意的商业想法 里程碑式创业加速器计划(LEAP).

    这些是从B类课程中抽取的一些课外活动的例子.A. COMEL课程为学生扩展个人兴趣和成长. “下班后”的参与是学习和应用技能和流程的机会,也是实践团队合作发展和项目管理的机会.

    强调领导和合作, 我们的课程机会建立社区和支持亚洲博彩平台排名.
    • Check out the Idea Lab, our makerspace, 探索高科技和低技术的工具和技术,并参与从机器人到乐高玩具到工艺品的项目.
    • 试用迷你实验室中的Adobe出版套件来生成精美的视频和多媒体宣传材料.
    • 通过在电视演播室的执行委员会任职来获得经验并建立你的简历.
    • 通过我们的单学分课程获得学分,如数字故事, Launch a Business, and Editorial Leadership.
    • 参加我们的年度推介竞赛,以获得启动资金,以测试新的商业计划和企业.

  • The B.A. COMEL对实践学习的重视导致许多学分的实习机会, both on campus and off.

    Recent internships include:
    • Grocery Marketing & Retail Management
    • Real Estate Assistant
    • Small Venue Management
    • Sports Broadcasting Production
    • Social Media Specialist
    • 电视制作及档案助理
    • Event Planning and Promotion
    • Brand Writing and Web Design
    • Broad Futures
    • Dynamy
    • Disability IN
    • Neurodiversity Pathways
    • Hasbro
  • Where to Go From Here?

    The B.A. COMEL学位为以下职业选择提供了基础. 要在某些领域取得进步,可能需要额外的教育和/或经验.)

    • Advertising/Marketing广告或营销专员, copywriter, account executive, sales manager, media planner, media buyer, creative director, media sales representative, sales and marketing manager, media manager.
    • 电子媒体/广播电视/广播: program director, community relations director, film editor, news director, reporter, sales associate/manager, web designer, audience/market researcher, media buyer, announcer/news anchor, public relations manager, comedy writer, casting director, producer, business manager, floor manager, talk show host.
    • Health Communication: health educator, school health care administrator, medical grant writer, clinic public relations director, health communication analyst, medical training supervisor, 联邦卫生机构的通讯经理, 医学中心出版物编辑, hospice manager, health care counselor, health facility fundraiser.
    • Journalism (Print or Electronic): reporter, editor, newscaster, copywriter, script writer, publisher, news service researcher, technical writer, acquisitions editor, media interviewer.
    • New Media and Technology: digital graphic designer, web publisher, e-zine writer and editor, game designer, app developer, 社交媒体营销专员, 网站设计及管理员, new media researcher.
    • Organizational Communication:人力资源/培训/内部沟通专员, meeting manager, labor negotiator, recruiter, 工业媒体制作人/导演, technical writer, 社区/政府事务协调员, research/knowledge manager.
    • Political Communication: press secretary, speech writer, political campaign consultant, elected official, political reporter, diplomat, lobbyist, lawyer, legislative assistant, communication director.
    • Public Relations: publicity manager, press agent, lobbyist, public affairs specialist, development officer, fundraiser, membership recruiter, sales manager, media analyst, media planner, creative director, audience analyst, community relations specialist, internal communication director, public opinion researcher.
    • Risk and Crisis Communication: public relations officer, corporate spokesperson, corporate trainer, communication consultant, 政府机构发言人.

    来源:改编自全国传播协会(2011). 21世纪的传播职业之路. 华盛顿特区:全国通信协会.

  • Curriculum

    To earn the B.A. COMEL学位,学生必须修满121学分;

    • 57 major required courses:
      • 39个专业必修学分-核心+重点领域
      • 18个专业必修学分也计入通识教育
    • 22个额外学分以完成通识教育要求; 
    • 42 open electives (21必须在3000/4000级别)

    Major Requirements

    [COMEL核心(15)+ COMEL通用教育(18)]+重点领域(24)= 57学分总计


    • COM1011通讯导论(普通教育):3学分
    • 人际沟通要求(普通教育):3学分

      • COM2021人际沟通或BUS2011有效商务沟通:3学分
    • 媒体制作要求:3学分

      • JRN2011新闻学或COM2065广播制作或完成三门1学分课程:
      • COM1101 Intro to Publications
      • COM1160 Radio Training
      • COM2066 Digital Storytelling
      • COM2102 Publication Staff
      • COM2073 Editorial Staff
      • COM3072 Editorial Leadership
      • COM3101 Publication Management
      • COM4101 Publication Leadership
      • COM4102 Radio Leadership
    • 创业领导力要求:3学分

      • BUS2021创业与创新或COM2041团队沟通
    • 组织要求:3学分

    • MGT2011管理原理或MGT2021人力资源管理或完成三门1学分课程:
      • BUS1100就业准备经验
      • BUS2012 Launch a Business
      • COM1130领导力的实践
      • COM1180 Mediation Skills
    • Messaging Requirement: 3 credits

      • MKT2011市场营销入门或COM2071公共演讲
    • 定量推理要求(普通教育):3学分

      • ECN2021微观经济学或ECN2031宏观经济学或ACC2011会计原则2:3学分
    • 高级学科写作要求(通用教育):3个学分

      • COM3041领导与促进或WRT3011高级写作
    • 其他经验要求(普通教育):3学分

      • COM3061指导领导实习课程
      • COM4001高级顶点(普通教育):3个学分

    Focus Area Choice: (24 credits)


    Choose four:
    • ACC3031 Forensic Accounting
    • BUS3031 Opportunity Management
    • COM3021 Relationships & Relational Communication
    • COM3071专业演示
    • COM3075自然通信
    • 说服:论证的艺术与逻辑
    • 21世纪问题分析 & Trends
    • MGT3031 Organizational Behavior
    • 在ACC, COM, ECN, MKT, MGT实习

    Accounting, Anthropology, Business, Communication, Education, Environmental Science, Interdisciplinary Topics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology


    Choose four:
    • COM3063 SpTp叙事非小说
    • COM3077 SpTp Crisis Communication
    • COM3075 Radio Programming
    • 跨文化能力
    • COM3062 TV & Video Production
    • COM3064新媒体时代的传播伦理
    • JRN3011 SpTp高级新闻报道
    • MKT3011 Global Marketing
    • COM, JRN, MKT相关实习

    Art, Business, Communication, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Interdisciplinary Topics, Journalism, Literature, Marketing, Music, Photography, Theater, or Video


    • WRT1011作文和修辞:3学分
    • WRT1012研究与分析:3学分
    • EDU1011学习视角:3学分
    • 教育与身份:3学分
    • 人文分布选修课:3学分
    • 自然科学(含实验)选修课:4学分
    • 社会科学分布选修课:3学分
    • 数学分布选修课(通过分班考试表明):3学分

    121 total credits

  • 该课程的毕业生将能够:


    • 表现出对沟通在专业工作场所中的作用的理解
    • 展示完成交际目标的能力(自我效能)
    • 在专业环境中评估道德行为和决策的结果
    • 利用沟通拥抱差异


    • 了解领导力的内部、人际关系和社会层面
    • 表现出对领导者的组织责任的了解
    • 评估条件,识别挑战和机遇,以指导决策和规划
    • 运用领导技能进行战略发展和变革


    • 评估发送和接收的信息
    • 演示通信技术和技巧
    • 创建适合受众、目的和上下文的消息
    • Influence public discourse


Jeanette Landin headshot

Jeanette Landin
Program Coordinator, B.A. 在沟通和企业领导
[email protected]


Photo of Professor Eric Matte

Eric Matte
[email protected]


Dean John Vitale headshot

John Vitale
[email protected]


Interested in applying?

无论你是新的里程碑学院或有兴趣返回一个学士学位以前的学生, you can apply here. (Landmark College的校友重新入学的过程可以在 Returning tab.)

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