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2024-2025 FAFSA

On Dec. 2020年11月27日,国会通过了《亚洲博彩平台排名》. The law includes provisions regarding the FAFSA Simplification Act—a sweeping redesign of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid. Specifically, the law makes it easier for students and families to complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA® ) form as well as expands access to federal student aid. 由于重大变化,FAFSA 2024-2025奖励年度的开放日期将推迟.


注:美国正在实施2024- 2025年fafsa变更.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. 本网页的资料可能会因应新资料而有所更改.

2024-25年度联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)将从10月1日起推迟, 2023, to sometime in December 2023.

  • 从2024-25颁奖年度起,FAFSA中删除的问题包括, 但不限于以下内容:

    1. The student’s housing choice
    2. The student’s, spouse’s, 以及没有出现在IRS 1040表上的父母的未纳税收入, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR tax return (such as untaxed payments to tax-deferred pension and retirement saving plans represented by IRS Form W-2 Box 12 codes D, E, F, G, H, and S; housing, food, 以及支付给军人的其他生活津贴, clergy, and others; etc.)
    3. 学生对联邦工作学习(FWS)就业的兴趣
    4. Taxable earnings from need-based employment (such as need-based employment portions of fellowships and assistantships)
    5. 不包括学生、配偶和父母的收入. This includes other income items that have been reported under “Additional Financial Information” on the FAFSA and excluded from need analysis in prior years (such as taxable combat pay, special combat pay, 以及合作教育项目收益). 收到的子女抚养费仍作为资产而不是收入报告.
    6. 学生的驾照号码和所在州
    7. 由学生父母完成的最高学校. 现在这个问题问的是父母是否上过大学.
    8. 学生在学年开始时将要学习的大学学位或证书
    9. 学生或家长是否提交了美国国税局附表1
    10. The dislocated worker question


    FAFSA简化法案规定了在FAFSA上可以问哪些问题,并禁止美国政府在FAFSA上填写相关信息.S. Department of Education (ED) from asking FAFSA questions that are unnecessary for Title IV federal student aid.

  • 投稿人是任何被要求提供申请人FAFSA信息的人,包括:

    • The student
    • 学生的配偶(如适用)
    • A biological or adoptive parent; or
    • 在fafsa上的再婚父母的配偶-继父母

    The new FAFSA is student-driven, so that means the student’s answers in their section will determine who will be a contributor (in addition to the student). 学生将需要投稿人的名字, date of birth, Social Security Number (SSN), 和电子邮件地址,邀请他们完成FAFSA的要求部分. 捐款人需要在他们的FAFSA部分提供个人和财务信息.

    All contributors are required to have an FSA ID and to provide consent to have their Federal Tax Information (FTI) transferred from the IRS, 他们的税务数据是否用于确定学生是否有资格获得联邦学生援助, and allow the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to share their tax information with institutions and state higher education agencies for the administration of Title IV aid. 同意只提供一次,在该奖励年度内不得撤销. 即使投稿人没有社会安全号码,这个同意也是必要的, did not file taxes, 或者在另一个国家报税.

    如果受供养学生的父母未婚同居, 父母双方都是贡献者, 会否有单独的金融服务管理局编号, and need to provide consent. 受抚养的学生,其父母提交了美国移民申请表.S. income tax return as Married Filing Jointly 只需要一个家长供款人完成FAFSA. If the student’s parents filed separately, 父母双方将被视为供款人,因此需要单独的FSA id, and both must provide consent.

    如果独立学生结婚并单独提交, 两个人都是贡献者, must have FSA IDs, 并且必须同意学生有资格获得第四章援助.

  • 从2024-25奖励年度开始,FAFSA记录的父母如下所示. You will notice that the parent with whom the student lived the most in the past 12 months prior to filing the FAFSA, 不再是离婚或父母分居的标准吗. 适用于离异或分居的父母, income and assets are reported on the parent who provides the most financial support even if the student does not live with that parent or lives with the other parent.

    • Parents who live together
      父母已婚且未分居的学生,其父母收入及资产, 或是未婚同居的人, 应包括父母双方的收入和资产.
    • Divorced or separated parents
      父母离异或分居学生的父母收入及财产, but not remarried, are determined by including only the income and assets of the parent who provides the greater portion of the student’s financial support.
    • Death of a parent
      (A)如果父母中的任何一方已经去世, 尚存的一方应视为单亲, 直到父母再婚.
    • Remarried parents
      如果父母一方的收入和资产根据第(2)段被考虑, 或父母一方是寡妇或鳏夫,而其入息是根据第(3)段计算的, has remarried, the income of that parent’s spouse shall be included in determining the parent’s assessment of adjusted available income if the student’s parent and the stepparent are married as of the date of application for the award year concerned.
    • 没有离婚或分居的单亲父母
      Parental income and assets in the case of a student whose parent is not described in paragraph (1) and is a single parent who is not divorced, separated, or remarried, 应包括该单亲家庭的收入和资产.”
  • IRS DRT将被直接数据交换(DDX)所取代。.

    • EVERYONE (students, spouses (if applicable), 和家长)将需要同意将他们的联邦税务信息(FTI)导入FTI模块.
    • To provide consent, the individual will need to access the FAFSA with an FSA ID that has been matched with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
    • 联邦税务申报人将把他们的税务信息导入FTI模块. 没有税收收入将转移到FAFSA, 但税务数据将被发送到FAFSA上列出的大学.
    • 非纳税申报人也必须打勾表示同意. 当IRS数据被访问时,该过程将验证非归档状态.
  • 学生资助指数(SAI)将取代FAFSA表格上的预期家庭贡献(EFC). Students and families will see a different measure of their ability to pay for college and experience a change in the methodology used to determine aid.

    In addition to the SAI, the FAFSA Simplification Act will expand the Federal Pell Grant to more students and link eligibility to family size and the federal poverty level. 新的资格公式和资金估计将使佩尔助学金获得者增加近15%. 被监禁的学生将重新获得佩尔助学金, 在入学期间学校关闭的学生将恢复获得佩尔助学金的终身资格, 或者受到虚假证明的影响, identity theft, 或者借款人防卫贷款清偿.


  • 在大学里有兄弟姐妹没有好处: Previously, FAFSA根据上大学的家庭成员数量按比例划分EFC. 取消这种“兄弟姐妹折扣”将是一些学生获得资助资格的最大变化. SAI不会将在大学的人数作为计算资格的一个因素. As such, Georgia Southern University students with siblings in college may see a change in their aid eligibility at Georgia Southern University as well as with the aid received by their sibling(s) at Georgia Southern University or elsewhere. The determination to no longer consider the number in college was made by Congress and can only be changed by Congress.

  • 佩尔助学金资格将分三步确定:

    1. Maximum Pell Grant -申请人可能有资格根据家庭规模获得最高佩尔助学金, adjusted gross income (AGI), and poverty guidelines. 有资格获得最高佩尔助学金的学生的SAI在- 1美元之间,500 (-$,1500) and $0.

    2. Student Aid Index (SAI) – Applicants who do not qualify for a Maximum Pell Grant may still qualify if their calculated SAI is less than the maximum Pell Grant award for the award year. The applicant’s Pell Grant award for full-time enrollment will be equal to the maximum Pell Grant for the award year minus SAI. 如果申请人注册的时间少于全日制,佩尔助学金将按比例调整, 或者申请人的就读费用(COA)低于计算的佩尔助学金.

    3. Minimum Pell Grant – Applicants whose SAI is greater than the maximum Pell Grant award for the award year may still qualify for a Pell Grant, based on family size, AGI, and poverty guidelines.

    • Non- Filers – 独立学生(和配偶), (如适用)未报税者及未报税父母的受抚养子女
    • 某些已故退伍军人和公共安全官员的子女 年龄在33岁以下,父母在9·11事件后死于军队的学生, 2001, 33岁以下的学生,其父母在履行公共安全官员职责时死亡

    自动佩尔助学金基于收入,家庭和规模:家庭收入低于家庭总收入的175%,单亲家庭收入低于家庭总收入的225% federal poverty level 会看到他们的学生得到最高的分数吗 Federal Pell Grant award. 最低佩尔助学金将保证给家庭收入低于275%的学生, 325%, 350%, 或者是联邦贫困线的400%, 取决于家庭结构. 佩尔奖学金的最高和最低金额将由SAI决定.

    一旦年度联邦佩尔助学金确定, half of the award will be offered in each semester of the award year and will be prorated by Enrollment Intensity instead of Enrollment Levels.

    Credit Hours Enrollment Level (Old) Enrollment Intensity (New)
    12 (or more) Full-Time (100%) 100%
    11 Three-Quarter Time (75%) 92%
    10 83%
    9 75%
    8 Half-Time (50%) 67%
    7 58%
    6 50%
    5 Less-Than-Half-Time (25%) 42%
    4 33%
    3 25%
    2 17%
    1 8%
  • Previously, a Pell Grant-eligible student must have been enrolled at least half-time in a payment period during which they received more than 100% of their scheduled award. 从2024-2025学年开始,不再需要半时制注册.

  • 包括家庭农场或小企业:必要时, 家庭现在将报告其农场或企业的价值. 虽然国会还在继续讨论这个问题, 它将被要求在2024-25年FAFSA中报告适当的家庭,并可能影响SAI.

  • 特殊情况学生的定义为:

    A student for whom a financial aid administrator makes a documented determination of independence by reason of unusual circumstances, 是什么阻碍了学生联系家长. 这些情况可能包括-

    • 2000年《亚洲最大体育平台》(22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.)
    • 合法获得难民或庇护身份并与父母分开的, 或者他们的父母在国外流离失所
    • 被父母遗弃或疏远而未被收养的
    • 虐待或威胁环境或
    • 学生或家长的监禁和与家长的接触将对学生构成风险.

    Other students will continue to qualify as independent on their FAFSA form and are not required to provide parental information if they:

    • Are active-duty military
    • Are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces
    • 在13岁或13岁以上是孤儿,被法院监护,或被寄养
    • Are or were a legally emancipated minor or in legal guardianship as determined by a court in the student’s state of legal residence or
    • 学生是否无人陪伴,无家可归或自食其力,有无家可归的危险

    从2024-25年度开始, both first-time and renewal applicants who indicate on their FAFSA form that they have an unusual circumstance will be granted provisional independent status. 他们可以在不提供父母信息的情况下填写表格. 他们还将收到联邦学生援助资格的评估, 哪些会由他们就读的院校作出最后决定. 如果学生所在机构同意他们的特殊情况, 当他们在未来的奖励年度更新他们的FAFSA表格时,他们的独立地位将继续存在, and they will be considered independent for as long as they remain at the same institution and their circumstances remain unchanged.

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