

科学 professor with students in science labStudent holds pen 和 smiles at another student while a third student looks on

Whatever your academic or career goals, L和mark College has a path that can help you successfully achieve them.

Our academic programs offer you the opportunity to engage in self-discovery, 追求以职业为导向的学习, 和 develop essential learning skills 和 strategies.

Originally founded as a two-year college, L和mark College began offering four-year degrees in 2014. 我们现在提供一个数组 学士学位联系 学位,可选 未成年人浓度.

In addition to 学士学位 和 联系 degrees, we offer short-term options, including 夏天的计划 for high school 和 college students 和 a 桥的经验 for college students who need a boost from L和mark College’s proven executive function skills 和 strategies before returning to their home colleges or transferring to other institutions to earn their degrees.

For more detailed information on our programs 和 degrees, as well as course descriptions 和 policies, 请参阅我们的 学术目录. To learn about the background 和 interests of our faculty, who are both experts in their field 和 in teaching students who learn differently, 浏览我们的 教师 & 员工目录.

The L和mark College 荣誉项目 is designed to recognize high-achieving students 和 provide them with a structured opportunity for greater challenge 和 the potential to further distinguish their academic record. Rooted in a commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity, 学术卓越, 社区参与, the program offers students opportunities to cultivate critical thinking skills, 领导能力, 和 an appreciation for lifelong learning while making meaningful contributions to the greater community.


祝贺你,欢迎回来! We're excited to have you join us for Fall 2024 LC Online Dual Enrollment Program.


祝贺你! You have been accepted to the LC Online Dual Enrollment Program for Fall 2024.
